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Who am I? Probably a crazy person. I have had this dream to live nomadically and free my whole life. So when I found myself at 30, recently single, and working a freelance career, I decided to take this freakshow on the road. 

My given name is Wendy and I'm a writer and social media coordinator. For the past two years, I've been working freelance from a home office, running my own business. I have throughly enjoyed the freedom it gives me and decided I should test how far that freedom could take me. 

I'm starting a transition of freeing myself from almost all my possesions and taking my life on the road in an RV. I'm scared and excited and curious about how all of this will pan out, but I have always had just enough crazy to think I can do whatever I want. 


I wanted to give people a glimpse of what my life really is like and most of the time I will still be working while on the road. That's where the idea of giving a glimpse of the scenery "over my laptop" came from. I hope you enjoy what will probably be a ridiculous journey. 

   WHO AM I   

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