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Key Adventures in Moving Out

I realized when I published the post yesterday that I left out two key stories. Both of them are "key" becaues they are important and they both literally involve keys.

Key Story Number 1

The first happened in one of my hundreds of trips down the stairs to my car. The apartment building I moved out of has a secured entrance -- meaning you need a key to get in. I'm usually very good about remembering to have my keys on me, but as I was carrying things up and down the stairs I left my car unlocked. Since I left my car unlocked, on the last carload out, I thought "Oh, I don't need my keys, I left the car unlocked."

Well, that was true, but I did need my keys to get back in the building. As soon as I shut the door on my car, the lightbulb went off. Shit, I'm locked out of the building. I didn't even have my phone on me.

My first thought was, "I guess I'll have to wait until someone comes in or out the door." But it was about 10:00 am on Thursday so I could have easily been waiting around until 5:00 pm when people with real jobs finally come home.

Instead I started rummaging around in my car for any sense of hope when I came across this laminated card about the size of a credit card in my glove box. It was directions on how to use the keyless entry to the Taurus -- which is weird because my Taurus doesn't have that option and I was, at the moment, very keyless and in need of entry.

I took the card and decided I was going to try to break into the building. It was a long shot, because I was pretty certain the credit-card-to-open-a-lock trick was a myth they just used in movies. After about a minue of jiggling the card near the lock, IT ACTUALLY WORKED!! I felt so McGyver-y.

I'm very lucky nobody witnessed this though because I was sweaty, unshowered, and wearing ripped clothing. I could have easily been mistaken for a homeless person trying to break in.

Key Story Number 2

When I called the mega-corporate-monopoly -- I mean power company -- to disconnect my service from the old apartment, the customer service rep told me I had to be there to let the service guy into my building. I thought that was weird because it is an apartment building and I didn't remember having to do that when they set up the service. But the rep wasn't helpful at all, so I called and left a message with my landlord asking what I should do.

His response made my day, so freakin' much. He's an adorable older gentleman and I always like my interactions with him, but I had no idea he had as much disdain for the power company as I did. Or as much spitfire as this voicemail suggests.

Please, if you do nothing else, listen to this voicemail he left me. Crabber's face matches his mood.

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