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Yoga on the Beach

One of the sweet things about living right next to the ocean is that there are tons of yoga on the beach classes -- and they are free!! I went to my second session today and it was a tale to tell.

The instructor for the sessions I've gone to is a petite little sweetheart by the name of Jasmine. She's either really high on life or herb, but either way she's has this wonderfully mellow vibe. Her hair is also dyed an electric red so I feel like we are kindred spirits.

In the middle of our session today, a woman and guy showed up with water for Jasmine, Jasmine's dog -- a tiny little yorkie named London (hello kindred spirits!) -- and some new experiences I didn't even know we were in for.

The woman that showed up was a slim, mid-riff baring hippie-type sporting a leather fest over a bikinni top and feathers in her hair. When she hands the water to Jasmine, she bows and kisses her. I don't know if they are partners, but it didn't feel like that. I think these two just might be the kind of people who kiss their friends on the lips as a greeting.

Open mid-riff then sets up what looks like a metal tripod. I think maybe they are going to do some kind of filming or performance, but later I look over and she's just meditating underneath it. Suddenly I remember this show I watched on the history channel about aliens that talked about the power of pyramids. Supposedly (I've never looked that deep into it), the pyramid shape has shown in some scientific studies to actually produce energy. I'm guessing mid-riff was trying to harness that.

Fast-forward to shavasana (a.k.a. corpse pose or my favorite part of yoga). I start hearing this low vibrating sound. I think it's coming from the ships going out to the oil rigs off the coast, but then I soon recognize the noise. It's was a didgeridoo! I never even had to open my eyes to confirm it, I was convinced. I soon started to feel a little weird -- like I could feel the virbations of the instrustument. Later on -- after our mandatory group hug -- mid-riff says she was performing reiki with the didgeridoo. I didn't know you could do that -- I just thought the instrument was a way for hippies and hipsters to feel like they had musical talent without having to actually learning anything more than how to blow.


As I'm turning to leave, the girl who had been on the mat next to mine grabs me by the shoulder and excitedly goes, "Girl, how old are you? You have such young energy!!" I tell her I'm 30 and everyone in the circle gasps. She replies, "I didn't think you could be a day over 18." And then everyone else agrees. Maybe I was just high from all the didgeridooing, but it seriously felt geniune. I'll take the flattery.

Now I have to keep going to see what happens next time.

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