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Making Things Simpler

One of my big goals in trying to embark on this adventure was to make my life simpler. I'm not really sure that trudging off into the unknown is necessarily simpler, but it has caused me to parr down and evaluate what's really important.

The first steps of this was to seriously reduce the amount of belongs I have. I got rid of all my furniture and probably 2/3 of my belongs -- but I'm still overwhelmed with dealing with the stuff I have. Where I'm staying now, things feel a bit cramped because I have a stack of boxes in the corner. I know in the grand spectrum of things -- I don't have that much, but it still feels suffocating.

Because of that feeling, I'm still trying to evaluate what's really important. Is the stress of dealing with the stuff worth having the stuff?

Coming from a long line of hoarders, throwing things out for me is hard. When I sort through it, I feel strong emotional attachement to certain things or I can see the value in something, but as that shit sits in a corner -- do I really need it?

I'm also trying to minimize things that I have to maintain. For example, for the past five years or so, I've been dying my hair red. It's weird how a hair color you've only had a fraction of your life can evolve to become such a large part of your sense of self. I love being a red head so much, but it's a lot of upkeep because I'm naturally blonde. So, last week I had my hairstylist turn it back to my dirty blonde color. I just knew while I was traveling the country I wouldn't have the access to a stylist to keep up with the red and I'm not interested in rocking an ombre accidently. I miss the red a little bit, but the natural color is empowering. I don't have to worry about roots! (Also there's a little bit of fun with some purple).


Now I'm obsessing over what else I can make simplier. Who has some ideas for me?

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