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The Cat Goes Camping

By some weird twist of circumstances, my parents actually beat me to the whole living-in-an-RV-full-time thing. Maybe I am following in their footsteps without really planning to.

My parents are currently living in a campground in their RV because they sold their house and haven't been able to move into the new one they purchased yet. This past Labor Day weekend, I decided to go spend some time with them and -- as an added bonus -- have a trial run on camping with my cat, Phoebe.

One of my biggest concerns as I embark on this journey is how my adopted feline will deal with life on the road. She's always been a decent traveler, but being cooped up in a carrier in a moving vehicle isn't her favorite thing. I also wasn't sure whether she would be a flight risk with the continually opening camper door.

To ease the anxiety of traveling, my friend (a kindred traveling spirit and fellow crazy cat lady) let me borrow her Cat-in-the-Bag carrier. It's exactly what it sounds like -- a bag to carry your cat in. The idea is that the swaddling affect of the bag calms the cat and the "head hole" leaves the cat free to see all of their surroundings. She had success with it calming one of her cats and thought I should try it out.

Hilarity -- as you would imagine -- ensued.

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But the bag did seem to make Phoebe a bit more comfortable in the car. And she didn't fight me carrying her around in it at all -- something I can't say for anytime I've had to put her in the plastic box carrier.

Once we arrived at the campground, I let the cat out to explore the camper. Just like any other place she's been, she quickly claimed the middle of the bed as hers.

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After she became more comfortable, she discovered the huge picture window that the windshield provides. Now I'm not worried about hitting the open road with her at all.

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Guess I need to invest in my own Cat-in-the-Bag. Those are words I never imagined myself saying.

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