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Bumps in the Road -- New Opportunities

As with any new life transition -- or anything in life really -- things don't always go as planned. I had planned to blog today about a few bumps in the road I've experienced, but a recent death of a young friend from his battle with cancer has my mind elsewhere. Now my struggles seem dwarfed in comparison with those that his wife -- a friend of my from college -- and his family are facing right now. But some of my struggles that led me to a new venture are opening up a new doorway for me to help honor his legacy.

Recently, I have been working with my talented graphic designer cousin to develop a line of postcards. In that development, I wanted to donate a portion of the proceeds to a charity because I feel like I'm so lucky to have an oppotunity to take this journey and I wanted some extra good to come from it.

I was really struggling on where I wanted to make the donation. There are so many good causes to support and none of them felt quite right.

That is until I learned that to honor my friend's legacy, his family had set up a fund with the organization Child's Play. They have worked with Blank Children's Hospital in Des Moines to designate the center as a branch in his memory. Child's Play -- founded by video game developers -- is an organization dedicated to bettering the lives of children in hospitals. It combines two of his passions -- video games and children -- perfectly.

If you would like to donate directly to the fund, please visit the memorial at Child's Play.

I'm still working on getting the postcards printed, but I'm really thrilled with how they turned out. You can contact me directly through the blog if you would like to preorder. I plan to donate a portion of the sales from now until Christmas to Child's Play.

In addition to the postcards themselves, I plan on offering writing and postage services. For example, if you would like to send a message to someone on the postcard -- I will write and mail it for you from wherever I am on the road. It can be a fun treat to get real mail.

If you would like to purchase post cards, I will be selling these both from this site and from my Esty shop, Inappropristitch.

Here's a sneak peek:

Wanderlust postcard pic.jpg
Hello from Somewhere Beautiful .jpg
Ukulele postcard.jpg

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